Monday, March 4, 2013

style profile: christina ueunten.

We first met when we were about seven years old, and time for us has not moved very fast. The world has always been our constant playground and we were fearless with our imaginations. Together we created vast fortresses in my living room, staged glamorous tea parties, and organized super kawaii fashion shows together. Her naturally playful spirit always translated so beautifully into her outfit choices, and it is something that I've always admired about her. Her name is Christina Ueunten, but to me she has always been Ai, meaning love in Japanese.

She's spent the past years living in Tokyo studying as a fashion design major, but luckily the gods have brought her back to the shores of the Bay. It was my pleasure to feature her for my very first style profile and ask her a few questions about her experiences living in Tokyo.

You just came back from Japan! Tell me how you liked living there.
While I was in Japan, I switched from living on a little island to living in a big city (Tokyo). Although I liked the simplicity of the island life, I love the convenience of living in a big city. I love the busy night life, there's always something to do and lots of good food nearby.

Do you identify with Japanese or American fashion more?
At first I felt more drawn to Japanese fashion, but now that I've lived there I'm definitely more into American fashion. It's more simple and down to the point.

The younger generation in Japan tend to participate in some pretty interesting trends. What's the weirdest thing you saw there?
They tend to do a lot of strange things with accessories. I've seen a lot of accessories made out of doll hair or wigs. I've even seen one guy wear live gold fish as earrings and in his hair. 

Who's your favorite fashion icon?
Twiggy! I love the 60's and all those crazy prints and mini skirts and tights.

Favorite season to dress for?
I love Spring just because I love floral print and the colors are a lot more exciting.

Right now how would you define your current style?
It's kind of like a little kid entered your grandma's closet... and picked everything that was colorful.

Photos by me and Glenn Halog
Special thanks to Ai-chan <3

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